A Collective Impact
STEM Integrated
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The opportunity to rethink how school works.

At CISTEMIC, we partner with school districts and their communities in the collaboration of education, workforce, and economic development. This is the way forward to the rest of the 21st-century where artificial intelligence, automation, robotics, and other emerging technologies will cause 47% of jobs to change or disappear. We have years of experience helping school districts, parents, and communities build up their STEM and CTE programs.

To learn more about how to start your CISTEMIC transformation for your school district and/or community, get in touch with us today.


Events with a CISTEMIC approach

School District

School districts today don’t have the funding and support they need to offer comprehensive STEM and CTE learning to all students.

That’s why a partnership with education in the public sector (you) and the private sector (us) is vital in this day and age.

The CISTEMIC model brings together community stakeholders in the movement to transform education to provide the best possible opportunities for students to thrive in a 21st-century global economy.

Find out how we can help your district

Every school district is different. And as such, every CISTEMIC approach is tailored to your unique needs. Getting in touch with us directly is the best way for us to learn about what you are looking for and how we can help you create a STEM-based educational model that will propel your students for a brighter future.
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The student voice is essential in the transformation and must be heard. Students play a role not just because of the skills they will learn but also as peer-to-peer mentors who can help younger students get interested (and stay interested) in STEM and CTE. Properly trained, students will be essential in filling the workforce gaps during their junior and senior high school years.


Parents serve an important role in actively encouraging their children to participate in STEM and CTE opportunities, helping them gain more confidence in their abilities. Parents can also be mentors while also developing or sharpening their own 21stst-century skills along the way.


Governments play an important role in helping to organize and champion the STEM initiatives across towns by uniting stakeholders, providing support, and access to funds.


Businesses serve an important role as mentors and role models. They help get students access to internships and apprenticeships where they can apply STEM and CTE learning in the real world. Most importantly, they collaborate with school districts to identify and develop essential skills for the local workforce.

Community Partners

Community partners like YMCA, Boys and Girls Clubs, local libraries, community centers, and faith-based organizations help keep STEM learning going after school hours. After school and summer school programs can be integrated with the school district curriculum to ensure students are always learning and growing.

Vendor Partners

Vendor partners are one of the most overlooked stakeholders. The right vendors bring research, tools, best practices, and thought leadership. It is crucial we have our vendors collaborate on the behalf of school districts and their communities.


Billions have been spent on STEM already, and that trend shows no sign of slowing. According to RFP Match, a funding consulting company, funders are particularly attracted to projects that address multiple issues and involve collaboration from multiple stakeholders. This eliminates duplication and increases focus and accountability.

Higher Education

Local colleges and universities can provide access to important resources like mentors and dual enrollment STEM opportunities. They can also help create a seamless pipeline from high school to college to the workforce.